Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4:: Rewards

Those who honor me I will honor them. -1 Sam 2:30

     You reap what you sow. I've heard this since I was little...and as I got older, this same principle turned in to karma. You do good, you will have good done to you. You do bad, you will have bad done to you.

  • If I choose to treat people badly, like gossiping or being rude, then I wouldn't expect those people to not gossip about me. I wouldn't expect them to even like me. I try and live by the golden rule: do to others as you would have them do to you. I don't hang out with guys who have girlfriends because, if I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't want any girls to hang out with them. 
  • Sowing to 'please the sinful nature': I know that my lust that I have, nothing good can come from it. I try to keep myself from any sort of things (alcohol, sex, lust, hate) that will come between me and God. I don't go out to bars...even if I have every intention on NOT drinking. By doing that, I am "reaping" a better 'name' than I had before. I'm not that girl. I'm not that person. I feel so much stronger now that I have control over my life and my actions. 
  • Sowing to 'please the Spirit': Right now, I am spending more and more time in my bible. I spend more time praying and talking to God. I know that I'm not perfect, but I know my soul feels so much better than it used to. I am "reaping" knowledge, wisdom, special friendships, and, who knows???.....I could be finding my future mate. :)
  • On day 4 of this devotion, Nassar writes about a 'video' of your life being played at the Judgement Seat of Christ.... Whoa. How would I like that?? I know that Jesus knows everything that I've done, good or bad, wrong or right. And I know that He's forgiven me for all of that. I know for a fact that the good does NOT out weigh the bad. Half of me is excited about seeing that video only because it shows where I was and where I am. The other half doesn't want to see it. Painful memories of me blatantly disobeying what God has thanks. I'm ashamed of that. And frankly, I don't want to look at His face and see the disappointment. :/
  • Following Christ? Yeah! I wouldn't have it any other way! I know that there are so many consequences; so much scrutiny. I made my life into something that I wanted: drinking, sex, gossip, not so great language. It was so unfulfilling. I made that decision to turn from all that! And when I did, I had to start all over again. I had nothing that I was used to: no friends, no plans. I was so lonely, or so I thought. Little by little, Christ was intertwined into every single aspect of my life. I learned that it was 100% ok to be alone sometimes. I also learned that my family is amazing! Now, after taking small steps, I have such great friends and so much fun with them. Me and Jesus:: We're best friends. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • God will reward my faithfulness. If I choose to out to a bar or over to a guy's house, its like me taking 4 steps back. But if I remain faithful to Him and choose to honor what He says, in every single way, I'm taking those forward steps. :)

Gal 6:7-9
Jer 45:5
1Cor 3:11-15
Matt 10:41-42

"I am sure of God's hand and guidance...You must never doubt that I am thankful and glad to go to the way which I am being let. My past life is abundantly full of God's mercy, and, above all sin, stands the forgiving love of the Crucified."  --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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