Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 6:: God's Work

The "rules" change once your habit does.
M: mystery
A: adventure
P: passion

  • Follow the rules or follow Christ? I don't think God gives 'rules'...He gives guidelines. I choose to not go out to clubs and stuff because of the atmosphere. I won't find Christ there. Why would I go after anything less than that? Following rules seems very strict: like when you break a rule, the punishment is harsh. But following Christ is a walk....full of grace. 
  • What are some rules zealous young Christians impose on themselves and others? 
  • Code of Don'ts? I think that this way of life is not the way Christ wants us to live. Sure, we're supposed to not do some things...but they are just understood. Although living this way will surely help someone not do the 'wrong' or 'bad' things, you suffer your own guilt and unforgiveness once those lines are crossed. 
  • Have I seen the Holy Spirit at work in my life in the past week? I have. Some days its stronger than other days, but I put that mainly on the priorities I make in my own life. [I really need to slow down and go after Him. 
  • Failed to respond to God?:: yep. Its called straight selfishness. When God speaks, its almost like a voice that I put on the back burner sometimes. I'll get around to that later. Maybe tomorrow. I really really really don't want to make that call or go to see that person.
  • Nassar made an illustration to relate how the Holy Spirit does things in our lives. The farmer has certain steps that have to be taken: plow, plant, water and feed, maintain the area, get rid of bugs. But after he does all that, he doesn't have the power to make the wheat grow. Its all in the preparation. We have to put the building blocks in the right place in order for the Holy Spirit to do His work in us. Am I a good 'farmer'? Sometimes I am; sometimes I'm not. Worship, pray, read the Word, have Christian friends who build me up. Yeah. I do that. But it almost seems like, sometimes, all that's just not enough. I get lazy. I don't read as much as I could. But I've been doing better with some of those things. I can definitely tell a difference!
Psalm 116:1-2
Romans 14:4-5, 19
Phil 2:12-18

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