Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 20:: Grow Up

The issue is not IF you study the Bible, but what advanced Bible study methods are most effective for you. -Nassar

Peter tells us why we fail to grow spiritually: 2 Peter 1:8-9
Thankfulness for our forgiveness and glad obedience are the signs of someone growing in their faith.

Maybe instead of taking advantage of God's grace, I could take the adventure of holiness and obedience. Maybe I could value Him above convenience and a moment of pleasure. Maybe I could rearrange my life to be sure that everything I do, every moment of my life, is glorifying to the One who bought me. --Nassar

  • New Christians pretty much 'tempt' themselves in their new life. They try and get as close to sin as possible. Is it ok if I go to the bar? Can I still have sex with my boyfriend if I'm a Christian? It's almost as though they won't give up one life to reap the full benefits of the saved life. I know that's how I was. 
  • It says in the book: If you've been a believer for a while, the issues you should be dealing with are things like: how to teach Scriptures more effectively, how to serve better, how to become more intimate with Jesus. I agree to an extent. Maturity, when it comes to growing as a Christian, isn't how long you've been saved...its how much you've grown with Christ.
  • 2 Peter 1:5-11--- This passage does show progression. You go from FAITH to LOVE. It shows how if you have faith, then put VIRTUE with it, and so on. Without faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and love, then you have nothing and you have no idea of what Christ is really all about. VS 8: If you have all these qualities, you will be effective and will grow in Christ. VS 9: If you don't have these qualities, then you are absolutely blind and can't see the big picture and you are clueless about what being a Christian is all about.
  • Am I growing or am I stuck? You know, right now, I'm not sure. I don't feel like I am growing really...but I'm the only one who can change that.
  • The more we thank God and truly praise Him, the more we are allowed to grow. He is to be held higher than anything else and as soon as He gets placed there by me, the sooner I will grow in Him.

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