Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 8:: Lies, Nothing But Lies


Satan's plot is always to plant a question in our minds about God's intentions and character. -Nassar
  • Ads? Promises? Services? Success? Power?
    • Heineken:: In this ad, Heineken pretty much says that if this is your beverage of choice, you'll make a good name for yourself in the eyes of the girl you're trying to impress. You'll look good.
    • Budlight:: If a popular actor drinks it, it must be ok. Its peer pressure from someone you look up to.
    • Ciroc::Famous people drink it, and encourage you to drink it. They're rich and powerful.
    • Adidas:: if you wear these shoes, you'll be good at skating, rapping, dancing, walking, etc. More famous, rich, powerful people.
    • Lexus:: "Liberation through acceleration" All these people in these cars are beautiful, look successful. 
  • Examples Of:::
    • Temptations--Sex. Alcohol. Drugs. Porn. Violence. 
    • Accusations--I sinned therefore I suck. Anything that can turn your eyes away from Him and onto yourself.
    • Confusion--Anything that distorts our view of God.
    • Obstacles--things that happen to get in our path; things that are hard to deal with.
  • I do ok with temptations; obstacles make it harder to walk on the path, but I still manage to jump or go around them; confusion...I know exactly what Christ did for me, and once my mind is made up, its hard to change that. The one I struggle with the most is the Accusations of satan. Who am I for Christ to lay down His life? Doesn't He know all the horrible things I've done?? Sometimes I feel like I am the most unworthy of that sacrifice. There are things I've done, ways I've lived, people I've hurt... I can't even understand the magnitude of His love. 
  • "Yes, Judge, my client is guilty, but her penalty has already been paid. By me. In blood." -Jesus. Wow. He's my defense attorney. I am absolutely sure that I could never ever lay my life down for just any person. Just knowing that He did that for me...and for every single one of my sins (and there are plenty)... Yeah. I'll lay my life down for Him. 
  • The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:4-5  
    • You have to own your thoughts. And if its something not pleasing to Christ, get rid of it.
  • Personally, hopelessness takes hold of me more than pride. I'm not prideful, but I definitely feel like I'm not worthy of all this Christ gave. 

Matt 13:22-23
2 Cor 11:14
2 Cor 10:4-5
Eph 6:10-13
Matt 13:1-9, 18-23

1 comment:

  1. hmm...this sounds familiar..like MATT speaking :) im bummed im missing it tonight, BUT super excited about what i have planned :) you going w/me on sunday?? :)
